Victoria Hart Glavin

Steel-Cut Oats

September 16, 2014

Steel-cut oats are commonly referred to as Irish or Scottish oats. Oats in this form are highly nutritious, no matter whether you buy the fancy can with the royal seal or just pick up a plain bag of steel-cut oats at the market or health food store. They take a bit longer to cook than rolled oats, but the quality is worth the wait. They cook up into a porridge with an irresistible flavor and a chewy texture.  The cooking time can be cut in half by soaking the oats overnight in water to cover. Before cooking, drain the oats, and proceed with the recipe. 


September 15, 2014

Once you lick the icing off a cupcake, it becomes a muffin. Muffins are healthy. You’re welcome!

Small Japanese Bowl

September 14, 2014

I just picked up this adorable small Japanese Bowl. I love it!

Did You Know?

September 14, 2014

36 Apples = 1 Gallon Of Cider


September 12, 2014

Food is the most primitive form of comfort. -Sheila Graham

Simmering Apples Into Sauce

September 11, 2014

To make a refreshing, savory applesauce, I recommend using Fuji apples. There is no need to add sugar because they are extra sweet on their own. If you prefer your applesauce a bit more tart, McIntosh apples will do nicely as their tangy flavor balances with a tender texture. 


September 11, 2014

Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries. – James A. Michener

Keep Apples Crisp

September 10, 2014

While fruit bowls are pretty to look at, store apples in the refrigerator to keep them crisp longer. When they are kept cold, apples can stay nice and crunchy for weeks. Keep them away from aromatic foods like onions, as apples tend to absorb odor. 




Cooking Is Like Love

September 10, 2014

Cooking is like love. It should be entered into with abandon or not at all. -Harriet Van Horne


September 9, 2014

Cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education. – Mark Twain

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