Shrimp Soup or Tom Yum Soup

Tom Yum Soup


Prep Time:  minutes
Cook Time:  minutes
Ready In:  minutes

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Yields or Serves:  

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Tom Yum Soup


4 Cups Water

1 Cup Shrimp

5 Mushrooms

2 Limes

1 Lemon Grass                                                                                

3 Kaffir Lime Leaves                         

2 Tablespoons Fish Sauce          

6 Sprigs Cilantro

3 Tablespoons Chili Peppers

Boil the water in a 2 quart pot.  Peel and de-vein shrimp and set them aside.  Cut lemon grass into pieces that are 6 inches long.  Use the back of your knife to pound the lemon grass – just to bruise it to release the flavor.  If you want, you can tie the lemon grass into a knot to make it easier to manage.  Drop the lemon grass in the water and let boil for about 5 minutes.  Next, put the fish sauce and juice of the lime into the bottom of the serving bowl(s) that you will serve the soup in.  Crush the chili peppers and add to the bowl.  Now remove the stems from the kaffir lime leaves and add the leafy part to the pot.  Clean and half the mushroom and add them to the pot.  Add the shrimp and turn off the heat.  The shrimp tends to get tough very quickly and will cook even when sitting in warm broth.  Scoop the shrimp and liquid into the serving bowl(s) immediately.  As soon as you add the liquid to the serving bowl, you will see that the broth becomes cloudy because of the lime juice.  Sprinkle with cilantro and serve.  Serves 2


    Victoria has been cooking and writing recipes since she was a a young girl. Originally from Nebraska, her appreciation for culinary technique took off when she moved to Lyon, France. Victoria is published in Hearst Newspapers, Greenwich Free Press, New Canaanite, and more.

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